

瑞安·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)透露了《美國恐怖故事》第7季的相關信息



《美國恐怖故事》尚未進入第六季的中途,但創作者瑞安·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)已經期待該節目的下一個演出。 在接受采訪時 “娛樂周刊”,共同創作者會點一些 含糊而又吸引人的信息 關於《美國恐怖故事》第7季:

“它總是像我一樣出現在我身上……我坐起來睡覺,我說'就是這樣!' 我一直在考慮幾個想法,但我並不喜歡它。 然後我想著另一件事,我從字面上坐起來睡覺說:“就是這樣!” 每當發生這種情況時,都會感到很輕鬆,因為壓力很大。”

看,讓我們在這裡轉瞬即逝:一旦錢開始投入使用,放映商就不再對內容感到興奮,而將注意力放在美元符號上並不少見。 話雖如此,《美國恐怖故事》已經 瘋狂地 成功。 讓Ryan Murphy仍然對他的演出想法感到興奮,這令人難以置信。 我不確定您的情況,但是我一直在熱愛第6季。許多粉絲已經將其稱為迄今為止最好的一季,而且還處於初期。


“這也是一個敘述上很奇怪的想法……我已經開始打電話給人們說,'把這個放在日曆上。' 這是一個好人。”

第六季可能會有很大的變化,因此球迷應該為任何事情做好準備。 聽到墨菲在第6季中有更多更奇特的主意,應該令該系列的所有粉絲-甚至是隨便的觀眾都感到高興。


在此期間,請盡情享受 美國恐怖故事:羅阿諾克! 快樂的困擾,惡魔。



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The Original ‘Beetlejuice’ Sequel Had an Interesting Location



Back in the late ’80s and early ’90s sequels to hit movies weren’t as linear as they are today. It was more like “let’s re-do the situation but in a different location.” Remember 速度2, 或者 National Lampoon的歐洲假期? 甚至 外國人, as good as it is, follows a lot of the plot points of the original; people stuck on a ship, an android, a little girl in peril instead of a cat. So it makes sense that one of the most popular supernatural comedies of all time, 陰間大法師 would follow the same pattern.

In 1991 Tim Burton was interested in doing a sequel to his 1988 original, it was called Beetlejuice走向夏威夷:

“The Deetz family moves to Hawaii to develop a resort. Construction begins, and it’s quickly discovered that the hotel will be sitting on top of an ancient burial ground. Beetlejuice comes in to save the day.”

Burton liked the script but wanted some re-writes so he asked then-hot screenwriter 丹尼爾·沃特斯 who had just got done contributing to 石楠. He passed on the opportunity so producer 大衛·格芬 offered it to Troop Beverly HillsPamela Norris 無濟於事。

Eventually, Warner Bros. asked 凱文·史密斯 to punch up Beetlejuice走向夏威夷, he scoffed at the idea, , “Didn’t we say all we needed to say in the first Beetlejuice? Must we go tropical?”

Nine years later the sequel was killed. The studio said Winona Ryder was now too old for the part and an entire re-cast needed to happen. But Burton never gave up, there were a lot of directions he wanted to take his characters, including a Disney crossover.

“We talked about lots of different things,” the director “娛樂周刊”. “That was early on when we were going, Beetlejuice and the Haunted MansionBeetlejuice Goes West, whatever. Lots of things came up.”

快進到 2011 when another script was pitched for a sequel. This time the writer of Burton’s 陰影,  Seth Grahame-Smith was hired and he wanted to make sure the story wasn’t a cash-grabbing remake or reboot. Four years later, in 2015, a script was approved with both Ryder and Keaton saying they would return to their respective roles. In 2017 that script was revamped and then eventually shelved in 2019.

During the time the sequel script was being tossed around in Hollywood, in 2016 an artist named Alex Murillo posted what looked like one-sheets 查閱 陰間大法師 sequel. Although they were fabricated and had no affiliation with Warner Bros. people thought they were real.

Perhaps the virality of the artwork sparked interest in a 陰間大法師 sequel once again, and finally, it was confirmed in 2022 甲蟲2 had a green light from a script written by 星期三 writers  Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. The star of that series 珍娜·奧爾特加(Jenna Ortega) signed on to the new movie with filming starting in 2023. It was also confirmed that 丹尼·埃爾夫曼 would return to do the score.

Burton and Keaton agreed that the new film titled Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice wouldn’t rely on CGI or other other forms of technology. They wanted the film to feel “handmade.” The film wrapped in November 2023.

It’s been over three decades to come up with a sequel to 陰間大法師. Hopefully, since they said aloha to Beetlejuice走向夏威夷 there has been enough time and creativity to ensure Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice will not only honor the characters, but fans of the original.

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice will open theatrically on September 6.







也許是因為 驅魔人 去年剛剛慶祝了它的 50 週年,也許是因為年老的奧斯卡獎獲獎演員並不太驕傲地承擔不起默默無聞的角色,但是 羅素·克洛 在另一部控球電影中再次拜訪魔鬼。而且這和他的上一篇無關, 教皇的驅魔人.

根據 Collider 報道,該片名為 驅魔 原本打算以這個名字發布 喬治城項目。其北美發行權曾由米拉麥克斯公司掌握,但後來轉交給垂直娛樂公司。該片將於 7 月 XNUMX 日在戲院上映,然後前往 不寒而栗 為訂閱者。

克勞也將主演今年即將上映的《獵人克萊文》,將於 30 月 XNUMX 日上映。

至於《驅魔》, 對撞機 提供 我們的內容是:

「這部電影以演員安東尼·米勒(克羅飾)為中心,他在拍攝一部超自然恐怖電影時遇到的麻煩凸顯出來。他疏遠的女兒(瑞恩辛普金斯)必須弄清楚他是否陷入了過去的毒癮,或者是否正在發生更可怕的事情。 “







死侍與金鋼狼 可能是這十年的好友電影。這兩位異端超級英雄在夏季大片的最新預告片中回歸,這次的髒話比黑幫電影還要多。


這次的焦點是休傑克曼飾演的金鋼狼。當死侍(萊恩雷諾斯飾)出現時,注入金剛砂的 X 戰警正在舉辦一場憐憫派對,而死侍則試圖說服他出於自私的原因組隊。結果是一部充滿髒話的預告片 奇怪 最後有驚喜。

《死侍與金鋼狼》是今年最受期待的電影之一。它將於 26 月 XNUMX 日發布。

